
President Joseph Biden signs Inaugural Day proclamations with customized Cross pen

Congratulations to A.T. Cross Company, which provided customized pens for newly-inaugurated American President Joseph R. Biden. Cross was selected as the pen of choice to sign President Biden’s Inaugural Day Proclamation.    President Biden signed official proclamations and executive orders using a Cross Century II Rollerball Pen in a classic black lacquer finish with 23KT […]

Cross’ new pen destroys AK47s

A.T. Cross is using the power of the pen to help stop gun violence in war-torn regions of Africa. Partnering with social good company Fonderie 47, Cross is launching the Peerless Fonderie 47 Collector’s–Edition Rollerball Pen, which is made in part from AK47 assault rifles. In addition, each Peerless Fonderie 47 Collector’s-Edition Roller-ball Pen purchased funds the destruction […]

Cross launches global rebranding campaign celebrating human potential and the pursuit of greatness

Iconic American writing instrument brand Cross has officially unveiled a new brand identity. The new look of the brand – which got its start during the California Gold Rush of 1849 with gold pens – combines a contemporary new look, innovative new products and an authentic messaging campaign, which the company says is aimed at […]