Nestlé ITR has launched its first product to incorporate no single use plastic packaging. Nestle’s travel retail exclusive Smarties Music Creator is the first product to meet the company’s new guidelines, replacing all single use plastic packaging by a recyclable carton box.
The colorful, durable Smarties Music Creator (containing 1 x 38g tube of Smarties), is part of NITR’s Learn Through Play framework, and first appeared in 2019. The flute is plastic but to increase its lifespan is now supported by online, digital content (via the website) from May 2020. The set also includes a learn-to-play guide and music sheet designed to help children learn how to read music and provide step-by-step guides to playing simple songs.
In Cannes last year, Nestle announced a goal of making 100% of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025. Nestlé ITR accelerated the removal of single use plastics and spent the last seven months improving the product for release much sooner than its originally intended.
The original, plastic packaging used on the first iteration of the product is no longer available.
Nestlé ITR General Manager Stewart Dryburgh said of the launch: “Clearly these are unprecedented times and the COVID 19 crisis will impact the immediate roll-out for the new Smarties Music Creator. In the mid-long term, however, the demand for recyclable and eco-friendly solutions will only increase and with Smarties we will be ready with these solutions.
“Sales for the first version of the Smarties Music Creator were incredibly positive and we have every reason to believe that this more sustainable version will be an even greater success.”